2019 Edition

  • This piece Writing 2 piece by David Castillo is a meditation on the creative impulse–particularly David’s sense of what it means to be a “marginalized individual” who is moved to create. It is a blog post that was origninally written as a weekly blog post in Christopher Dean’s Writing 2 class in the Winter of 2019. To read this thoughtful piece, click here.



  • This piece by Iliana Esquivel was done in Writing 1. It’s a  video that advocates for listening to and appreciating K-Pop music. To get a sense of the context for this piece, read Iliana’s reflective piece by clicking here. To watch the whole video of her presentation, click here.


  • This is a collaborative blog entry written by Jacqueline Flores, Mariann Guzman, Takuma Izumi, and Milenia Memije in Christopher Dean’s Writing 2 class in the Winter of 2019. To read this deeply felt and engaging piece, click here.


  • This piece by Mariann Guzman-Espinoza is a moving look at her family’s story–with a focus on what it means to be a member of the 1.5 generation. It is a video that Mariann created in Christopher Dean’s Writing 2 class in the Winter of 2019.  To watch this moving video, click here.  To gain a deeper insight into the writer and the process of creating this piece, click here.



  • This piece by Evelyn Peralta, written in Ilene Miele’s Writing 1 Class,  is a wonderfully fanciful take on what would happen if there was a Facebook for plants–thus, “Plantbook.”  It also has a serious message about climate change. To read this wonderful piece click here.