Social Media: Who are your friends and who are your followers?

In the age of Snapchat, Instagram and whatever social media you use, there are always people you can friend or follow. I think it’s awesome, especially when you get to my age. LOL (only 19). I can see what all of my friends are doing, even the ones I left behind in middle school.  However, I notice that a lot people in your age group are very good atthe social media thing. Woah. I sound so old. Trust me, I am not that old.  Basically, I want to tell you that it’s important to always keep your private information to yourself when you are making friends online. I am pretty sure you have heard this all before; however, what we want to make clear is that it is important to add only people you know. You never know when someone might use a post or snapchat against you. Honestly, life is already pretty difficult and you don’t need that drama in your...
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How to Handle Fake People in Real Life

Hello students of RJ Frank, We are a group of UCSBcollege students here to talk to you about the differences between friends and followers. This is going to be useful for social media and reality. You are going to be able to tell the fakes from the real peeps in your life. We are going to show you how to do this through memes, videos, and GIFs. "UCSB Mentor" meme Also, we are here to give you a better understanding on how to navigate friendships and get away from the fakes. You can also respond back to us inmemesand GIFs! The options are open! We just want to be able to connect with everyone and show how social media can really impact relationships between everyone. :) Here are some quotes that reflect how real friendships should be! "A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have." "Friendship is not about people who act true to your face. It's about people who...
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Spring Edition of “Talking with the Authors”

Spring Edition of “Talking with the Authors”

Colleagues and Students: We encourage you to check out two interviews conducted by Bob Krut with two authors published in this year's Starting Lines.  This is a great tool to use with students in class at the end of the quarter to get at why they might want to submit to Starting Lines. Click here to download a PDF copy of Spring 2017's "Talking with the Authors" by Bob Krut....
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